Saturday, 29 March 2014

MH370 flew me to Diego Garcia

This video surfaced just in time when my learning faculties were tuned in to indigenous peoples' rights. It is interesting what had happened on Diego Garcia, an island, an atoll, in the middle of the Indian Ocean. In the 70's the US wanted the island for its military base. Its ally, the British obliged. And for that, the inhabitants were forced to leave the island and deported to Mauritius and Seychelles. What the US and the British has done to the inhabitants of DG only came to light after the documents are declassified.

Why a base in the middle of the ocean ? In the name of fighting terrorism. Then they develop Law on Terrorism. But it is funny they can't define terrorism up till now.

Compare this inhuman act re DG inhabitants to the supposedly paternalistic  attitude the British took towards our Orang Asli during the Emergency period. I say there has to be a reason for the two contrasting approaches.

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Thursday, 13 March 2014


Segenap inci blog ini mendoakan keselamatan setiap penumpang dan krew di dalam pesawat MH370, walaupun pencarian masuk hari ke-6 hari ini. Perkenankan ya Allah.

cuba-cuba menanam mumbang,
jika hidup turus negeri
- Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat, mukasurat 1054

Hanezam is saving the lambasting until  after the plane is found or the SAR operation discontinued. 

Sunday, 2 March 2014

a bit dangerous

So the theory is flawed. This morning I figured out why. I came in wanting to disprove the theory. That comment from one Dato Sharit (whoever he is) set me thinking. Then I read a few other analyses. I then formulated my theory. So here goes.  The Kajang Move could not have been a planned red herring.  It was a reaction by Anwar when he did not get what he bargained for under the reconciliation deal. Yes, that's more likely. And that's more like Anwar, don't you think ?

The reconciliation deal is now stalled. Hence, the water deal. Hence Khalid Ibrahim beaming not without a good reason, so on and so forth..

But I like the idea of reconcilition. I am all for Malay Unity. It has been an impasse for so many years now. It is high time we learnt that Anwar won't stop until he's in the mainstream again (you know, his biar-terbalik-satu-Malaysia grit). I won't oppose the Reconciliation if Anwar agrees that he won't hold a government post. Bagi la kat org lain dalam PKR. Izzah pun ok. Geli, lah kalau dia jadi DPM ke apa ke..