Wednesday, 4 March 2020

Menyusun Seroja

Akulah penyair yang turun dari gunung
Beratus tahun telah kuhidup di situ
Beratus-ratus tahun

Kini kuturun ke lembah
Melihat manusia
Kecil miskin lagi hina
Mereka hidup melata-lata

Tuesday, 3 March 2020

Reading Again

After a long hiatus of not reading political stuff, I am reading again. Now I must learn to read news with a pinch of salt. Don’t get stressed. Don’t let it affect you. Detach yourself. Get impersonal.

After this keto diet, I read them with a pinch of Himalayan salt. Politicians come and go. They jump ship. They forget their principles. They commit immoral things. Read about them and be amused, for they are not serious either. They are where they are because they crave power. They are not genuine.

Politics is important because it affects my life. Seriously, something I can’t let go easily. I can’t let go of the handle. Nanti masuk longkang !