Sunday, 18 August 2013

week 33

  1. Cari glamour punya pasal, kabinet Najib telah membatalkan ISA, EO dan Akta Pembuangan Negeri. Berikutan itu, tahanan-tahanan di bawah undang-undang berkenaan telah dibebaskan.
  2. Seperti dijangkakan kes tembak-ditembak pun berleluasa. 
  3. Should we revive laws that allow detention without trial ? Detention without trial would make police job easier; no evidence need be established in court. In normal trials, police blunders are common and their cases will 'koyak'.  
  4. ISA now abolished, is replaced by SOSMA [Security Offencences (Special Measures) Act] 2012 while a new law is being drafted to replace the Emergency Ordinance 1969. Despite that, SOSMA is said to have taken out the ingredients of a fair trial since it takes precedence over certain provisions of the Evidence Act 1950, the Criminal Procedure Code and even the fundamental liberties guaranteed under the Federal Constitution. Those provisions safeguard better the rights of the accused.  
  5. Rocky relisted them down, the shootings, in chronological order,  here from somewhere else, for easy tracking; list uptodate till 10 August. Mmmuuahh... 
  6. Ada perkaitan di antara kes tembak-ditembak ini dengan tahanan-tahanan yang telah dilepaskan yang merupakan penjenayah tegar.
Ada banyak isu lagi, isu masjid, isu surau, isu laki terajang bini dalam lif dirakam (jenis tak guna punya laki) , tapi gue dah ngantuk. 

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