Sunday, 28 December 2014

tears in tiredZen


Ya Allah, what a year !
We seek Your forgiveness, Your mercy


How to take a break ? My heart cannot rest. Read this. Look at this !

Dari Seremban sampai ke Bangi
Cubalah tuan cuba perhati
Bukit dah gondol hutan tak de lagi
Mata melihat hati pun sangsi
Betulkah lestari bagai dijanji
Jangan sampai disumpah generasi

Apa kata pakar ? Baca kat sini.


i need
a break

Thursday, 25 December 2014

water, water, water everywhere

(Dear Dr Anowar, it's not Shakespeare, but Coleridge)

Doa untuk semua mangsa banjir. Ya Allah, ringankanlah. Kasihanilah. I takkan makan sedap-sedap sampai banjir surut, mendoakan kalian.

Wednesday, 24 December 2014

my new look

morphed into a tiger
1. Corporate Governance is no joke

   Happening in Hong Kong. Should happen in Malaysia too, the sooner the better.

2. Just where is Najib ?

Mana Najib pi ? Bah makin teruk. Hari-hari buat statement ceria kat facebook. Mana bukti prihatin untuk 62,000 ++ rakyat ? Mana ? Mana ?

3. Angry voters all over the world

Here. In Portugal. In Spain.And in Malaysia too.

4. Lawak Giler !!

Atas kapasiti apa Anwar buat perutusan itu dan ini?. Terbaru Perutusan hari Natal. Laku ka perutusan-perutusan dia tu ? Sebab dia Ketua Pembangkang ? Bila pula Ketua Pembangkang ada ofis diiktiraf Kerajaan. ? Selagi kau bukan kerajaan  tak payahlah hemoi-hemoi nak buat perutusan itu dan ini. Kalau macam tu Lim Kit Siang pun kena la buat perutusan macam-macam gak, Sebab dia lagi otai daripada Anwar.

Friday, 19 December 2014

Best Gilerrr ! Rajinikanth's Most Crazy Fight Scenes Compilation Video - Must Watch!!

Cinta yang diuji-uji

Not sure sebenarnya suara Mimi Loma ka Saloma ka. Baru dengar lagu ni kat Radio Klasik pagi tadi. Cantiknya ayat ni

"ombak memukul pantai, kasih tambah gelora, itulah nilai cinta"

How do they come up with beautiful profound meaningful lines like this ? They must have transcended the pain of love.

Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Understanding 1MDB issue

I am trying to understanding it by finding answers to my own stupid questions. Here goes..

  1. What is its entity? Is it established under any Act ?
Answer : From 1MDB website : It's a public company (indicated by its name 1Malaysia Development Berhad ) with address at Level 8, Menara IMC, Jalan Sultan Ismail 50250 KL.

2. Who are the directors ?

2A. Who are the owners ?

3. What is a sovereign wealth fund ? Is 1MDB a sovereign wealth fund ?
From Wikipedia

sovereign wealth fund (SWF) is a state-owned investment fund investing in real and financial assets such as stocksbonds, real estate, precious metals, or in alternative investments such as private equity fund or hedge funds. Sovereign wealth funds invest globally. Most SWFs are funded by revenues from commodity exports or from foreign-exchange reserves held by the central bank.
Some sovereign wealth funds may be held by a central bank, which accumulates the funds in the course of its management of a nation's banking system; this type of fund is usually of major economic and fiscal importance. Other sovereign wealth funds are simply the state savings that are invested by various entities for the purposes of investment return, and that may not have a significant role in fiscal management.
The accumulated funds may have their origin in, or may represent, foreign currency deposits, gold, special drawing rights (SDRs) and International Monetary Fund (IMF) reserve positions held by central banks and monetary authorities, along with other national assets such as pension investments, oil funds, or other industrial and financial holdings. These are assets of the sovereign nations that are typically held in domestic and different reserve currencies (such as the dollareuropound, and yen). Such investment management entities may be set up as official investment companies, state pension funds, or sovereign oil funds, among others.
There have been attempts to distinguish funds held by sovereign entities from foreign-exchange reserves held by central banks. Sovereign wealth funds can be characterized as maximizing long-term return, with foreign exchange reserves serving short-term "currency stabilization", and liquidity management. Many central banks in recent years possess reserves massively in excess of needs for liquidity or foreign exchange management. Moreover it is widely believed most have diversified hugely into assets other than short-term, highly liquid monetary ones, though almost no data is publicly available to back up this assertion. Some central banks have even begun buying equities, or derivatives of differing ilk (even if fairly safe ones, like overnight interest rate swaps

Is 1MDB a sovereign wealth fund ??? 1MDB website denies that it is one.
From its blog's first post ever since 2010

"For our first post, we thought it would be helpful to respond to a question that is raised frequently and concerns the very nature of our business: What exactly is 1MDB?
From time to time, we see people describing 1MDB as a sovereign wealth fund. However, the fact of the matter is that we are a strategic development company. In practice, this translates into a company that is independently run and funded, but one whose investment decisions are driven by the interests of the national economy.
Whilst a sovereign wealth fund and a strategic development company may not sound very different, there is an important distinction between the two:  whereas a sovereign wealth fund is directly funded by the government and invest on its behalf, we raise and invest our own capital. In fact, we have only ever received RM1 million in equity provided by the government at the time of our inception.
As a company that is wholly owned by the Ministry of Finance, we are able to combine the practical support of the Government with private sector expertise and capital to unlock potential value. As a result, we have a unique ability to clear log-jams, unlock value, and drive forward projects.
At present, we are focused on two sectors: energy and real estate.
Our energy business comprises a portfolio of 15 power and desalination plants in five countries, with a net power generation capacity of 5594MW, making us the second largest independent power producer in Malaysia. Our focus on this sector stems from the Government’s strategic aim of ensuring Malaysia’s energy security, with sustainable provision of power seen as being critical to maintaining investor confidence and supporting the economic growth of the country.
On the real estate side, we are responsible for a number of transformational projects in Malaysia. This includes TRX - which will be Kuala Lumpur’s first dedicated financial district upon completion, and Bandar Malaysia - a new 495 acre mixed-use urban development on the site of the old airport in Sungai Besi that we envisage will serve as a benchmark for sustainable communities in the region.  
Through our focus on these two key sectors, we aim to contribute towards and drive the sustainable long-term economic development and growth of Malaysia. "

4.  Why government can enter into business ??? What principle of government allows this ???
To be continued soon..

Sunday, 14 December 2014

Senarai reblogged : menghitung hari

Judging from the momentum of the 1MDB issue, it is contemplated that there would be a major change to the List, and on a date very soon coming.

May Allah bless those bloggers. Aamiin.

List Of Malaysia's Prime Ministers

Following is the list of Malaysia's prime ministers:

(From Aug 28, 1957 to Sept 21, 1970)

(From Sept 22, 1970 to Jan 14, 1976)

(From Jan 15, 1976 to July 16, 1981)

(From July 16, 1981 to Oct 31, 2003)

(From Oct 31, 2003 to April 3, 2009)

(From April 3, 2009 till don't know when)

Saturday, 13 December 2014

decision today !

Tuan-tuan dan puan-puan,

Sebelum tuan-tuan lupa, ini adalah hakim-hakim Mahkamah Persekutuan yang akan putuskan kes Anwar. Belum ada tarikh untuk keputusan, Setahu I tak de lagi. Hmmmm apa ek keputusan tu ? Suspens ho ?

Friday, 12 December 2014

Monday, 8 December 2014


1.Paving Paradise/Di Dalam Air Badan Berpeluh

Cinta manusia pada kesenangan dunia boleh tarah licin satu gunung. Bukan salah pun cintakan kesenangan dunia. Tapi kalau sampai sanggup makan rasuah, itu yang jadi sampai macam ni. Boleh banjir di atas puncak gunung. Boleh kontang satu lautan ? Rakus. Pembangunan tak terkawal. Unsustainable development. Pembangunan tak lestari.  Tengok gunung dan bukit menjadi gondol. Buntang mata melihat alam diperkosa, jari-jemari kelu untuk berkalam, suara hati terkunci mati. Kenapa nanti bila sudah terhantuk baru nak terngadah ? Lagi tentang kerakusan.

2. Corporate Killing, Corporate Criminal Liability

Distressing Malaysians' general apathy. If in the UK,  an Act to criminalize the wrongdoings would have been enacted. If in Korea the PM would have resigned gracefully. In Malaysia ? We lament while the issue is still sizzling, then we forget.

Corporate killing. Corporate criminal liability. More

3. Tetak, Kelar, Lapah etc

Psycho killer ? Ramuan menarik untuk novel psikothriller. Lagi satu.

4. Apa Diharapkan Pagar, Pagar Makan Padi

Apa diharap pada pagar.

5. My "Clouds In My Coffee" song.  Enjoy !

Thursday, 4 December 2014

Tuesday, 2 December 2014


Am tired of reading on the bangang news and issues that entail. And how can a bangsawan-born and bangsawan-bred be capable of that language ? Sawan ka ?

And now Apanama's blog has been suspended. Apanama itu brutal sangat ka sampai Najib takut. I rasa tak pun. Nak baca kat Facebook kena buat Friend request pulak. Taknaklah buat Friend request. I rasa OutSyed lagi brutal. Dah open war kat sana tu. Cuba ngkorang baca. Apa pun I puas hati dengan performance blogger-blogger kat blogroll I.  Najib makin hari makin entah apa apa. Kesian dia. Macam mana nak sokong ? Hari hari buat blunders.

Beli 2 buku baru. Only 99 you know, not 100. Because the 55th  is pork, he he he. I have since replaced it with frog, err... I mean peria katak. So, back to 100 lah.

Monday, 1 December 2014

kampung kami hujan

Sejuk, sejuk, sejuk. Time time ni minum teh o panas dan mengelamun di celah-celah untaian air hujan itu memang enak. Kala itu waktu berhenti beredar atau saat lupa berdetik. Aku marathon ke kampung dan marathon balik ke bandar keesokannya. 

Banyaknya air hujan, turun mencurah dari langit. Kau masih tak percaya global warming ?

kamera cokia ini gagal menakluk butir-butir hujan 
itu sebagaimana aku mahu

air hujan jatuh berjuraian dari lekuk bumbung zink,  bak tirai melangsiri
tapi semua itu gagal dirakam oleh kamera cokia ini
bukan salah aku

tiba-tiba hero pun sampai
ya betul, di kalangan kami seroja-seroja terluka, dialah hero kami