Thursday 31 January 2019

flowers everywhere

Ina sampai tengah malam/awal pagi nanti.
Mak bertolak lepas Jumaat besok.
Holidays are here ho ho ho

Pembetulan : 1/2/2019 Mak bertolak malam ni

Tuesday 29 January 2019

Wednesday 23 January 2019


Just in case I forget, beli dedak pada 19 Jan 2019.
The big crisis on 20 Jan 2019 until today.

Thursday 17 January 2019


There's  so many thing I will miss, but I want to move on.

Note : Perhaps moving on is something different from what I have in mind, something else altogether

life is ok

I told myself it is ok to commit those mistakes. They are normal mistakes. Any person gaining new experience would commit the same mistake. Learning is human, and committing mistakes is part of learning.  If reputation of the firm has in any way been tarnished, it should have taken place a long long time ago,  not because of my mistakes. Given time,  I would be able to improve, and minimise those mistakes. Probably become an impeccable practitioner even.

But given that I am going to quit end of this year, the opportunity will never come. I will simply leave with this conscience in my mind.

Monday 14 January 2019


Started IF today. Eat from 8.30 am until 3.30 pm. Only GreenTea, or Earl Grey, or English Breakfast Tea are allowed during fasting. To continue until Sunday.

See if there is any positive alteration to my insulin resistance.

Note : Attempt failed on first day. At around 6.45pm I broke fast because I finished the pudding that Fahmi had turned down. Started again from 8.00 pm, will break fast today at 1.20pm. So, 17 hours of restricted calory intake today; second day.

Friday 11 January 2019

Monday 7 January 2019



so, is it a surprise that I should eat tosei at PokokCeri today 9/1/2019 ?

oo la la

can't help this
the best moments in my life are 
when my mom enjoys my less salt no sugar  less/no  seasoning cooking
and we both eat simple

Thursday 3 January 2019


a charity is brewing in my head
to give back what Surrounding has given me
I shall survey perfectness of the venue

Tuesday 1 January 2019


By end of 2019 I will master
1.   Marcotting;
2.   Grafting; and
3.   Creative Writing 101