Sunday 28 April 2019

Week 18 : 22nd to 28th April

22/04/2019     PTD Kota Setar 9.30-10-25 am
                       IPPD Kota Setar Laporan polis tak boleh buat

23/04/2019     BDB Hq
                       IPPD Kota Setar


25/04/2019    JR hantag pelam harum manis

26/04/2019    Pulut Pelam harum manis for breakfast
                      Pi Aman Central with the girls.
                      Kenduri Rumah Pak Su Ya lepas Isya. Sapna pun mai.

27/04/2019    Pi Nat Pendang. Sans Insun. Beli tomato, jambu, oren
                      Beli udang. Beli pokok jambu batu krekmekmot takde biji.

28/04/2019    Semai pokok pelam harum manis

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