Melatari demografi Malaysia hari ini adalah tiga bangsa yang utama. Melayu sebagai bumiputera yang dipersiapkan dengan keistimewaan di bawah Perlembagaan, kaum Cina yang memegang bahagian terbesar ekonomi negara, dan juga bangsa India, yang juga tidak ada keistimewaan perlembagaan dan rata-rata bermasalah ekonomi seperti Melayu.
Berapa tahun sudah kita merdeka ? Baru 56 tahun. Tapi pencapaian Malaysia di tahap dunia sudah hebat (tapi perlu diperhebat). Usia Melayu berpentadbiran baru 56 tahun. Kita tiada pengalaman itu sebelum ini. Ingat lagi, dalam novel Interlok, apabila masyarakat Cina memasuki Tanah Melayu, mereka memanggil orang Melayu sebahai huan na. Kalau tak silap, maksudnya 'tinggal atas pokok'. Jangan nak marah pulak. Mesti istilah itu terbit kerana keadaan semasa pada masa itu. Dah betul la kot nenek moyang ketika pada masa itu masih duduk atas pokok. Tetapi selepas merdeka bangsa Melayu sudah jadi pentadbir yang hebat-hebat. Ini kerana kita ada pemimpin-pemimpin yang berwawasan, seperti Tun Razak misalnya. Kenapa tak nak nampak kekuatan kita sendiri ?
Dulu nenek moyang kita tidak tahu apa-apa tentang hak-hak kenegaraan. Mereka lihat sahaja bila orang putih hangkut hasil-mahsul negara. Ada lah yang menentang, tapi rata-rata aku rasa depa tengok sahaja berputih mata. Depa rasa memang hak orang putih tu nak angkut apa sahaja dari bumi ini. Panas lah jugak kan, kalau fikir nenek moyang kita dulu macam ni. Tapi nasiblah kita ada pemimpin macam Datuk Onn. Dan ramai lagi yang tak tersebut.
Anda percaya bukan, kita mewarisi pengetahuan dan kepakaran nenek moyang kita. Karakteristik dan kepakaran nenek moyang kita ada dalam DNA kita. China adalah satu bangsa yang berperadaban semenjak zaman sebelum Muhammad saw lagi. Buku ilmu strategi perang Tsun Zu ditulis 500 tahun Sebelum Masihi. Mereka telah melalui pelbagai Dinasti. Seperti catatan Tun Dr M, dan aku setuju, bangsa China yang hidup hari ini adalah berketurunan daripada nenek moyang yang cekal gagah berani tahan diuji. Ini adalah kerana saban tahun negara China dilanda banjir besar. Maka setelah tapisan tahun demi tahun, yang masih hidup adalah mereka yang daripada baka yang paling tahan diuji. Di dalam DNA depa dah ada kepakaran berperang, berniaga, merasuah kerajaan dan sebagainya. Kepakaran itu depa bawak bersama darah-dagin mereka semasa mereka migrasi ke Tanah Melayu. Depa masuk petempatan Melayu dan mula berniaga. Melayu bergantung kepada peniaga Cina untuk bekalkan barangan keperluan. Hal berniaga memang tak ada dalam otak nenek moyang kita masa tu. Melayu masa tu tak tau apa-apa pasal hal-hal tanah. Bila tak dak duit depa pi gadai janji dengan tokey Cina. Lepas tu tanah pun lesap.
Di India juga adala tamadun Indus jadi aku rasa depa pun ada pengetahuan-pengetahuan asas klasik itu, walaupun tak begitu jelas di kalangan mereka yang datang berhijrah ke sini.
Apa yang kita orang-orang Melayu pandai sekarang ini, adalah daripada dasar-dasar kerajaan selepas kita merdeka. Bayangkan betapa cepat kita belajar. Cina dan India sudah ada benda-benda itu beribu-ribu thaun sebelum kita di dalam darah-daging mereka. Jadi kenapa masih rasa Melayu tak hebat ?
Nanti sambung lagi.
Ini adalah siri posting : Menyusun Seroja
Malayu adalah satu bangsa yang hebat. Siri posting Menyusun Seroja adalah untuk mengabadikan kehebatan-kehebatan itu buat tatapan masa hadapan. Cee wah ambitiousnyer.... Takpa, I cuba, ok ?
Nyiur gading puncak mahligai
Sayang ketupat berisi inti
Hancur daging tulang berkecai
Belum dapat belum berhenti
(Pantun klasik)
Hancur daging tulang berkecai
Belum dapat belum berhenti
Daripada hidup menjadi macai
Bukankah kau lebih baik mati ?
Puan bertanjak bunga melati
Diampu pula dengan kain
Bukan aku takut 'kan mati
Sesalku tidak puas bermain
(Pantun ehsan Hikayat Raja Babi)
Wednesday, 25 December 2013
Monday, 9 December 2013
peliknya pemimpinku
Seperti biasa, kita hanya melepas geram. Anda perasan atau tidak, Datuk A Kadir Jasin dah berpatah arang dan makin brutal. Hari-hari Najib kena bambu. Datuk A Kadir Jasin sangat sayangkan negaranya. Sebab tu dia tak senang duduk. Sedangkan aku, aku hanya mahukan perubahan yang cepat, tetapi tidak pula mengambil tindakan positif.
Yang aku hairan kenapa Tun Dr M diam, Muhyiddin pun diam. Apa dah jadi ? Rakyat seperti aku jadi hairan bin ajaib. Hanya blogger-blogger yang begitu vokal.
Hairan sungguh kita. Nak tunggu sampai bila ? UMNO ni, isu yang sangat relevan tidak disentuh langsung. Buat don't know ja. Buat perangai syok sendiri. Bahaya tau, sikap macam tu. Pengundi macam aku boleh fed up. Kau cubalah bayangkan apa orang macam aku boleh buat kalau kami fed up.
Ini adalah siri posting : Menyampah Dengan Najib
Anda rasa nak muntah ? Naik loya ? Anda tertanya-tanya : apa nak jadi dengan negara ini ? Awat jadi macam ni ? Menteri-menteri dah tak boleh beza tugas-tugas kementerian (ministerial) dan dengan senangnya fungsi kerajaan didelegasi kepada anak-bini tanpa delegasi yang sah dalam pentadbiran kenegaraan.
Yang aku hairan kenapa Tun Dr M diam, Muhyiddin pun diam. Apa dah jadi ? Rakyat seperti aku jadi hairan bin ajaib. Hanya blogger-blogger yang begitu vokal.
![]() |
bagus untuk pelawasan |
Hairan sungguh kita. Nak tunggu sampai bila ? UMNO ni, isu yang sangat relevan tidak disentuh langsung. Buat don't know ja. Buat perangai syok sendiri. Bahaya tau, sikap macam tu. Pengundi macam aku boleh fed up. Kau cubalah bayangkan apa orang macam aku boleh buat kalau kami fed up.
Ini adalah siri posting : Menyampah Dengan Najib
Anda rasa nak muntah ? Naik loya ? Anda tertanya-tanya : apa nak jadi dengan negara ini ? Awat jadi macam ni ? Menteri-menteri dah tak boleh beza tugas-tugas kementerian (ministerial) dan dengan senangnya fungsi kerajaan didelegasi kepada anak-bini tanpa delegasi yang sah dalam pentadbiran kenegaraan.
Friday, 6 December 2013
Eye On Izzah
Am keeping an eye on Nurul. Liked her on Facebook for tracking of her activities. A young person of that kind of motivation should work for an organisation with power. She's powerless thanks to her association with PKR.
Or I could be wrong. The total dysfunction of UMNO may lend total support of the Malays towards PKR, and PKR takes over. And to think PKR and not PAS..
Wednesday, 4 December 2013
My Najib
Najib after the much-talked-about transformation
Friday, 29 November 2013
Sunday, 17 November 2013
Saturday, 16 November 2013
looking for reforms
My notes :-
- Exchange Rate Management and Crisis Susceptibility - Atish R Ghosh & 2 Ors
- Choice of exchange rate regime - earlier the conventional wisdom was to choose either hard peg or the float, and to avoid the intermediate - this is known as the bipolar prescription. The intermediate is most prone to crisis
- After 10-15 years, Argentina collapse 2002, Emerging Europe crisis, so is hard peg really good thing ?
- When do we change regime ?
- What is free float ? No government intervention
Saturday, 2 November 2013
Wednesday, 30 October 2013
Will Najib please step down
I have not been blogging political things for a long long time, and when I come back to do it, it has to be this
or answer all those allegations.
or answer all those allegations.
Friday, 18 October 2013
Interview : the Dispute Settlement System
My Notes :
- Prof John H. Jackson is an influential scholar in the realm of international trade particularly in WTO's DSS
- WTO's DSS is the most powerful dispute settlement system at the international level (and the success of this power of DSS has attracted its usage to a point of it being a threat to its own success)
- Q : With Doha Round impasse, it is possible that what DSS is doing now amount to legislating through the judiciary ? (Note that the judicial powers of WTO are expressed thru its Dispute Settlement Body. From here) A : There's a risk, but it is not yet happening.
- Q : Protectionism policy - 3% of world import are now affected - is it a threat, coz it may get the system clogged with cases, making people wonder if the system is indeed sustainable ? A: I don't think it is that dangerous a situation. There has been quite a remarkable hesitation to give too much protectionism. The success of the system can be attributed to the system's holding back too much protection. On the other hand we could also be on the verge of something more mean. That, we have to watch out.
- Read more on protectionism. Notes later.
- Emergence of 21st century issues such as investment, climate change, environmental, internet commerce, these issues may be brought before the DSS - these cases are coming to DSS, competence of the system, providing business efficacy factors such as predictability, but may be hindered by failure to get decisions among members due to consensus rules
- environmental issues, financial regulations - these areas, interaction to trade area
- He mentions WTO's legalistic approach. What does it mean ? Read here.
- "The WTO has introduced a more legalistic approach to trade dispute settlement than its predecessor GATT. In GATT, because of the absence of paper machinery for dispute settlement, disputes look long to clear. This also mean, however, that GATT required more diplomacy than law to settle disputes. This at least ensured that all concerns were fully ventilated before a settlement could be reached. The price for ensuring justice was delay and often non-implementation of the agreements reached.
- "The WTO has changed all that. It has introduced a remarkably efficient and predictable legal system of DS with a built-in mechanism for sanctions and procedures for cross-sectoral retaliation. This is regarded generally as one of the more positive aspects of the WTO system. Disputes can, in theory, be brought to WTO panels for (relatively) speedy dispensation of settlement."
- In other international fora, why can't they have a dss that is as effective as WTO's DSS ? In GATT panel ruling the person, in the wrong can block the ruling, in the middle 80's the reverse consensus but remedied during the Uruguay Round they failure succeeded where - consensus vote - elaborate procedure of uneasiness of states began to change unilateral, the rate of compliance is remarkably high
- failure to arrive at decisions in commerce
- trade disputes airline cases flow into politics
- improving the DSS, how ?
- hormon-treated beef issue, US vs EU; read here
- Boeng vs Airbus saga, read here
- Banana issue, read here
- Q : Regional negotiations and bilateral undertakings, are they a threat to the multilateral trading system ? They are all heading towards free trade. The subset of the world, they can tailor the already existing rules of WTO eg rules of decision making, ie WTO plus or WTO minus.
Saturday, 12 October 2013
Friday, 11 October 2013
Wednesday, 9 October 2013
International Monetary System - New Economic Slavery
Stumbled upon this, and the intro proves quite interesting. It's 51 minutes long. Recommended on sleepless nights :-).
How do the WTO, World Bank and IMF work?
Susan George explains what the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Trade Organization (WTO) are and how they work. They operate in the interests of rich nations at the expense of the poor. She cautions against the current trend to privatise public services such as transport, health and water.
From here
Definition of 'Floating Exchange Rate'
A country's exchange rate regime where its currency is set by the foreign-exchange market through supply and demand for that particular currency relative to other currencies. Thus, floating exchange rates change freely and are determined by trading in the forex market. This is in contrast to a "fixed exchange rate" regimeInvestopedia explains 'Floating Exchange Rate'
In some instances, if a currency value moves in any one direction at a rapid and sustained rate, central banks intervene by buying and selling its own currency reserves (i.e. Federal Reserve in the U.S.) in the foreign-exchange market in order to stabilize the local currency. However, central banks are reluctant to intervene, unless absolutely necessary, in a floating regime.Tuesday, 8 October 2013
termination of gold/dollar convertability
From here
1971 Termination of Gold/Dollar Convertability
Richard Nixon's August 1971 decision to suspend the convertibility of dollars into gold was one of the most important chapters in modern economic history. Nixon's move, which was precipitated by rising U.S. balance of payments deficits, ended the system of fixed exchange rates that had been established at the Bretton Woods conference of 1944 and ushered in a regime of floating rates.
The 1974 Congressional Budget and Impoundment Act created a set of institutional changes designed to help Congress regain power over the budget process. The Act was inspired by Richard Nixon's refusal to disburse nearly $12 billion of congressionally-appropriated funds in 1973-74 through the executive power of impoundment, as well as more generalized fears about the budget deficit. Nixon claimed that the deficit was causing high inflation and that as a result he needed to curb government spending. To this effect, in the 1972 presidential election he called on Congress to grant the President authority to cut federal spending so as to keep the budget under control. Congress opposed Nixon's proposal and instead sought to reform Congress' budgetary role. In 1972 Congress created a Joint Study Committee on Budget Control which called for procedural reforms to enable Congress to examine the federal budget from an "overall point of view, together with a congressional system of deciding priorities." Following Nixon's impoundment Congress acted on these recommendations and in 1974 passed the Act over the President's veto.
Under the Bretton Woods agreement of 1944 the U.S. dollar was the only national currency directly backed by gold. Other currencies were valued against the dollar, which could be exchanged through the U.S. government's "gold window" for a fixed amount of gold. Over the course of the 1960s, however, this system came under strain. Spending on the Vietnam War and Great Society as well as the revival of Western Europe and Japan led to a decline in the U.S. balance of payments. This, in turn, placed significant pressure on the dollar: U.S. gold holdings could not keep pace with the expanded money supply required by domestic and international economic growth. Fearful that other governments would rush to convert their dollars into gold and thereby precipitate a run on the dollar, on August 15, 1971 Richard Nixon unilaterally suspended dollar-gold convertibility. This action, which Nixon presented as part of a plan to combat inflation, effectively ended the Bretton Woods monetary regime and brought about a system of floating exchange rates within a few years. The implications of the "Nixon shock" for domestic and international affairs were numerous. Since the dollar no longer had to be backed by gold, the end of the Bretton Woods fixed exchange rate system increased the freedom of the U.S. Federal Reserve to engage in counter-cyclical monetary policy. The advent of floating exchange rates in 1973, after efforts to revive the fixed exchange rate regime failed, also facilitated global capital flows.
Michael D. Bordo and Barry Eichengreen, eds., A Retrospective on the Bretton Woods System: Lessons for International Monetary Reform (National Bureau of Economic Research and University of Chicago Press, 1993).
Barry Eichengreen, Globalizing Capital: A History of the International Monetary System(Princeton University Press, 1996).
Francis J. Gavin, Gold, Dollars, and Power: The Politics of International Monetary Relations, 1958-1971 (University of North Carolina Press, 2004).
Joanne S. Gowa, Closing the Gold Window: Domestic Politics and the End of Bretton Woods (Cornell University Press, 1993).
Harold James, International Monetary Cooperation since Bretton Woods (International Monetary Fund and Oxford University Press, 1996).
Friday, 4 October 2013
Monday, 30 September 2013
Tuesday, 24 September 2013
week 39
- Memanglah dia turun padang. Tak dinafikan, dah ada resources turun padang. Tu pun dapat untung. Panggil orang tv buat liputan sana sini. Kalau takdak liputan, nak ke turun padang ? Yang paling penting, apa hasil turun padang itu ke atas pembangunan Wanita Melayu ? Hang habag mai !
Tuesday, 17 September 2013
week 38
- Pengumuman Program Pemerkasaan Bumiputra oleh Najib umumnya dilihat sebagai usaha untuk memperkukuhkan kedudukannya di dalam parti UMNO menjelang pilihanraya parti Disember ini. Najib dalam nada biasanya yang berdentum-dentum mengalahkan guruh di langit telah mengumumkan lima goodies untuk Bumiputra, Melayu khususnya. Sejauh mana benar Bumiputra akan diperkasakan dengan pengumuman yang berdentum-dentum ini, sama-samalah kita lihat kupasan ilmiah oleh blogawan-blogawan tersohor itu satu-persatu. Sebarang pautan dan nukilan yang dibuat dalam tugasanku (jika ada, akan disebut satu-persatu, insyaAllah).
- Isnin 16 September adalah cuti umum. Ulangtahun pembentukan Malaysia yang ke-50. Sabah dan Sarawak menyertai Persekutuan Tanah Melayu dan membentuk Malaysia. (Nota: Singapura keluar dari Malaysia pada tahun 1965. Pada pendapat peribadiku, ini adalah gara-gara LKY perasan layak dan pulun sungguh nak jadi PM, dan gara-gara Tuanku AR yang panik terlebih). Sambutan ke-50 ini diadakan di Sarawak. Selepas PRU 13, Sabah dan Sarawak dilimpahi perhatian daripada Kerajaan Persekutuan. Hari Malaysia ini sangat bererti pasal pengumuman cuti umum ni pun gara-gara Najib nak glamer lebih setelah cubaan Anwar konon nak bentuk kerajaan telah terlungkup (seperti biasa, semua plan Anwar gagal. Such a loser).
- Chin Peng meninggal (di Bangkok) pun jadi bahan perbatuan politik. DAP kata, kena benarkan pelesit ini dibawa masuk dan dikebumikan di Malaysia. Macam-macam..
- Gesaan supaya kerusi-kerusi penting MT UMNO dipertandingkan semakin vokal. Dr M sekurang-kurangnya dah gesa yang tua-tua di kalangan ahli MT dulu supaya jangan lagi bertanding. Bagilah can dekat yang muda-muda pulak..
- Hanezam thinking (day-dreaming ?) aloud : apa kata mereka yang benar-benar ikhlas berjuang untuk parti itu tubuhkan satu team. Lepas tu, senaraikan dengan jelas siapa calon untuk setiap kerusi yang dipertandingkan, bermula dengan kerusi Presiden dan seterusnya. Kemudian, hendaklah mereka ini membuat pengisytiharan bahawa sekiranya team mereka terpilih,
- mereka akan pastikan tiada lagi rasuah dalam parti, dan kabinet baru yang akan dibentuk semula (jika ada) akan memastikan tiada rasuah dalam penganugerahan projek-projek kerajaan
- mereka akan memulakan amalan governance yang telus tidak sepertimana yang pernah diamalkan selama ini. Bagi tau setiap projek dapat kat sapa. Hentikanlah makan rasuah. Kita semua akan mati dan menghadap Allah.
- Agenda Islam orang Melayu jangan dilupa. Tolonglah ikrar untuk hentikan gayahidup hedonistik yang dididik dan diasuh oleh rangkaian-rangkaian televisyen Malaysia. Tolong ikrar bahawa pakaian artis/aktress yang buah dada terbonjol akan dihentikan serta-merta.
- Nyatakan dengan jelas apakah pendirian anda tentang Israel, Amerika, LBGT, etc.
Blog dalam Blog
Friday, 13 September 2013
week 37
- Wild guessing is really hard work. When you are outside the loop, you read the news and leave it to your intuition whether to believe. Now, the news I want to read and believe. Something is definitely brewing; read about it here. On a sadder note, it may also mean power brokering is here to stay, to interweave in the Malay politics for much longer time. Democracy is a crap.
Susah jugak nak jadi PM, no ? - Is Democracy innate in Islam ? I would love to think so, despite not having done any reading on it. Here is a piece on "Islam and Democracy" (read here) to trigger the discussion.
Betul ke ? - Presently something I want to memorize. Communists had lent support in DAP winning the 1969 general election. (Kit Siang's denial here) I have read the Tan Sri's book, Nation Before Self. Would like to add my personal notes here : PAS was part of the opposition then. No wonder a religious figure like Mat Indra led his people to fight for communists during his time.
- The list goes on. A former air force personnel dead after three shots at head. Ex-EO detainee shot dead after temple ceremony. I am hoping Zahid Hamidi the correct man for the task. Police has detained more than 4,000 persons under Ops Cantas Khas. I don't know, you control drug trafficking, you control the secret societies. Police force has been inactive for two decades. Draconian Laws do have their uses in this part of the world. For a contra view read here.
- Are you still mad about the recent petrol price hike ? Honestly, I am not that mad, because I think my business still can absorb it, and the subsequent hikes in food prices etc. But I put on the strike last week in support of those who are unhappy about it. And for the rationale behind their objection. Madam S was certainly mad about it, and about her being edited on air. Petrol price hike, commencing 12pm 3rd September 2013. RON 97, I later found out, followed suit; increase of 14 sen a liter. The governmnet says it is part of subsidy rationalization. Seems like an irrational act to me. Read about frustration and anger over the hike.
- Frustrating ! Azalina is not contesting. What Rafidah says.
Sunday, 8 September 2013
Sunday, 1 September 2013
week 35
- Bangkai Gajah mustahil ditutup dengan sehelai kertas tisu. Mulut manusia pula tak hendak tutup-tutup bercerita tentang Altantuya. Roh Altantuya dijangka akan terus menghantui tanah air kita dan menjadi bualan juga di seberang laut. Altantuya panas semula setelah dua polis yang sebelum ini dijatuhkan hukuman kerana membunuh Altantuya telah dibebaskan semula oleh keputusan Mahkamah Rayuan.
- Tak nak cerita panjang. Pendapat peribadi saya : Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi tidak bodoh. Pendakwaraya pun tidak bodoh. Mereka semua belajar Undang-Undang Jenayah. Yang susah adalah bila ada campurtangan dalam penyediaan kes pendakwaan dan penyediaan keputusan. Saksi-saksi penting tidak dipanggil. Bila pembunuh dikatakan membunuh atas arahan orang ketiga, orang ketiga pula dikeluarkan dari pertuduhan/tidak dituduh. Awal-awal lagi, ini kes kartun. Ini kes menutup bangkai gajah dengan sehelai kertas tisu. Habiskan masa kehakiman. Dan masa mereka yang teremo-emo. Nak rayu pulak ? Lagi banyak masa habis. Mungkin kat dunia ni, patut Altantuya cari keadilan dan pembelaan dengan bantuan alam lain pula ?
Now dressed to kill - Amerika sibuk nak serang Syria pula.
- Di tanah air sendiri, dalam kedamaian kita sebuah surau roboh. Apa di mindamu ?
Sunday, 25 August 2013
week 34
- Azalina is going to contest for Wanita Umno chief post in the coming UMNO 14th general election. Yesss !!!! The present incumbent is Shahrizat, whose reputation in politics today is badly tarnished due to her link to the Feedlot Cowgate scandal. Azalina herself is not 100 % clean ( I mean there's been stories in the past) but of the two, I'd prefer Azalina 10000 times over. Shahrizat, it is high time you buzzed off. There's no dearth of capable candidates for the post. Wanita UMNO akan kelihatan lebih bermoral tanpa Shahrizat. Tolonglah fahami realiti ini. Jocelyn's analysis here.More urge for her to let go post.
I wonder, tepung gomak for compact powder ?
Or is it turmeric powder.. - Sedang menanti dengan sabar bila agaknya Dr M nak lancarkan serangan terhadap Najib secara terang-terangan. Bunga-bunganya dah ada kot.. Dah banyak sangat dah diperkatakan tentang Najib dan ketidakcekapannya, kelemahannya, penasihat-penasihatnya, pemborosannya. Kan dah cakap ? "Sayap pemuda Pertubuhan Pribumi Perkasa Kebangsaan (Perkasa) mengejutkan ramai pihak apabila membuat gesaan supaya Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak meletak jawatan ekoran gagal menguruskan negara dengan baik." Penaung Perkasa adalah Dr M.
- 02 September. Harakah dah lapor gesaan Dr M. Kalau UMNO tak nak ubah pucuk pimpinan yang dah tua-tua tu, rakyat akan berpersepsi yang UMNO tak nak berubah.
- Hanezam thinking aloud : Democracy ceases to be "a government by the people" once their ideals are set aside by the leader that they elected for his personal gains. This happens when the party's candidate in an election is chosen by the party. The candidate named by the party has to abide by party's wishes. The candidate may have entered into deals with the party, deals that could be against the interest of his people. So, as a solution, can we have the people of the party to name the candidate of their liking. The people of each constituency must employ certain endeavours (with help from technology and the SPR) to screen for the right candidate who would stand by their political aspirations. So there's a sort of an agreement entered into by the people and their candidate. Let us say UMNO people of Constituency A picks X as their right candidate because X has agreed to fight for their UMNO grassroots stands in issues K. L. M. N.... and so on. X has agreed to uphold these these stands and the leader is to consult people of his constituency once new issues or circumstances arise. Once elected the party has to respect the candidate chosen by the people. So, you build up the government from bottom. A leader cannot be imposed on you. That's ironically so undemocratic. I think this is really possible in this facebook twitter and whatever else era. What do you think ? I think I'm gonna ask Mr Fed Up this question at AKJ's blog.
Someone must help me. Under the amendment to UMNO constitution recently, grassroots members, are they are now allowed to vote ?
Read more: New Umno constitution allows more open, democratic Supreme Council election - Najib - Latest - New Straits Times
Other stories (links later) :-
"The amended Umno constitution was approved in 2009 which among others
increased the total number of delegates eligible to vote in the party's
highest positions and posts in the division level apart from doing away
with the quota system in the party's election.
More than 150,000 Umno delegates from 191 divisions nationwide will
vote for the party's leadership this year compared to only 2,500
Read more: New Umno constitution allows more open, democratic Supreme Council election - Najib - Latest - New Straits Times
Other stories (links later) :-
- Express bus plunged 60 meters into ravine, killing 37 and injuring 16 on the way from Genting.
Altantuya's murderers2 policemen's earlier conviction quashed.
Sunday, 18 August 2013
week 33
- Cari glamour punya pasal, kabinet Najib telah membatalkan ISA, EO dan Akta Pembuangan Negeri. Berikutan itu, tahanan-tahanan di bawah undang-undang berkenaan telah dibebaskan.
- Seperti dijangkakan kes tembak-ditembak pun berleluasa.
- Should we revive laws that allow detention without trial ? Detention without trial would make police job easier; no evidence need be established in court. In normal trials, police blunders are common and their cases will 'koyak'.
- ISA now abolished, is replaced by SOSMA [Security Offencences (Special Measures) Act] 2012 while a new law is being drafted to replace the Emergency Ordinance 1969. Despite that, SOSMA is said to have taken out the ingredients of a fair trial since it takes precedence over certain provisions of the Evidence Act 1950, the Criminal Procedure Code and even the fundamental liberties guaranteed under the Federal Constitution. Those provisions safeguard better the rights of the accused.
- Rocky relisted them down, the shootings, in chronological order, here from somewhere else, for easy tracking; list uptodate till 10 August. Mmmuuahh...
- Ada perkaitan di antara kes tembak-ditembak ini dengan tahanan-tahanan yang telah dilepaskan yang merupakan penjenayah tegar.
Ada banyak isu lagi, isu masjid, isu surau, isu laki terajang bini dalam lif dirakam (jenis tak guna punya laki) , tapi gue dah ngantuk.
Sunday, 11 August 2013
week 32
- The Bloggers, these days, they talk of nothing but about Abdullah Ahmad Badawi's book Awakening, not yet launched. Hitherto Pak Lah had continued his deep slumber after March 2008 tsunami, no matter how black he'd been painted. Like someone said, now the empire strikes back. Addition 13/08/2013; JMD's is a must-read.
- An intriguing article on one Zaharah Sulaiman's thesis that Malays from ancient days being an intelligent, respected and envied race; (source : Metro Ahad, 11 August 2013, article by Norainon Othman, Kafe Ahad column) in rebutting 'Contesting Malayness' by Timothy P Barnard from University of Singapore. (Lending credibility to Arenawati's 'Sukma Angin' ?) Link not available. Cutting in file.
Friday, 9 August 2013
alFaatihah untuk Ayah
Ayah telah pergi untuk selama-lamanya pada 22 Ramadhan tetapi Ayah tidak mati. Ayah bahkan masih hidup. Ayah hidup dalam wawasanku meneruskan penghidupan yang fana ini. AlFaatihah untuk Ayah.
Aku ingin blog ini menjadi antara penambah kebaikan untuk Ayah. Perkenankan ya Allah.
Aku ingin blog ini menjadi antara penambah kebaikan untuk Ayah. Perkenankan ya Allah.
Monday, 22 July 2013
penasihat pemunah
Seringkali dibaca kritik terhadap penasihat-penasihat/pembantu-pembantu Najib yang boleh memunah karier kePMannya. Tampalan ini cuba buat exercise minda (setelah begitu lama menyantai) untuk cari penasihat-penasihat itu dengan pautan-pautan sokongan. Jadi, ia adalah tampalan hidup yang sentiasa ditokok-tambah.
Monday, 8 July 2013
Monday, 1 July 2013
Najib tak ampuh ?
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PM kita |
Seronok juga baca blog-blog glamour (untuk yang orang maksudkan blog-blog glamour, sila jeling kat sebelah kanan) sambil buat teka-teki. Orang rasalah kan, ada bujukan untuk menukarganti PM. Cuba ngkorang baca blog-blog glamour dua tiga minggu lepas kalau tak percaya kat orang. Sekarang ni dah reda sekejap. Nak tengok kalau-kalau dia orang lobby semula. Update 08/07/2013; Kan dah cakap ? Datuk AKJ sendiri menulis dengan penuh bisa dalam posting terkini.
Apa pendapat ngkorang tentang prestasi Najib dalam PRU13 ? Sokongan Melayu kepada UMNO meningkat. Najib pun kononnya sangat popular (tapi bukan boleh pecaya sangat survey masuk bakul angkat sendiri diorang ni). Katakan kita jelaskan kemerosotan BN kali ini kerana 'tsunami Cina' bak kata Najib. Logik juga. Tetapi tidak juga boleh tolak tsunami Melayu urban yang pangkah PR. Tu pun faktor jugak.
So, over all, Najib menang kurang kerusi berbanding Pak Lah. Kalau Pak Lah diturunkan takhta kerana bilangan kerusi BN merosok post-PRU12, apa halnya Najib ?
Dalam keadaan yang semakin genting, Melayu memerlukan pucuk pimpinan yang jantan sepenuhnya, tegas dan meyakinkan. Yakin macam kita rasa yakin bila Tun Dr M di atas takhta dahulu. Rindu kan, sebenarnya kita ni ? Najib dilihat tidak tegas, lembik, banyak layan kehendak Cina dan India dan buat Melayu rata-rata mengeluh. (Update 03/07/2013 : Cuba ngkorang baca ABITW posting terkini.) Tambah-tambah pula Najib dilihat macam dihijack oleh bininya Rosmah Mansor. Ramai orang dah cakap. Orang hanya merakam cakap orang. (Update 03/07/2013 Dalam racauan terbaru BigDog, perlantikan seseorang yang ditakuti berpotensi tinggi menjadi satu lagi toyol korporat dipersoalkan, dan Najib dipersalahkan)
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FLOM kita |
Cuba ngkorang baca posting-posting dari blogger-blogger glamour, banyak yang tulis pasal Rosmah yang terlebih sudu daripada kuah.
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
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